

Roofing Vents: A Guide To The Form And Function Of Top Roof Vent Hardware

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If you have a new roofing project coming up, you need to make sure you include the right vent. There are plenty of options available, and each of them has its benefits and drawbacks. How can you decide which one to use and what’s the chelation? Take a look at a few examples below, and remember to put the right vent in the right spot. 

Gable Vent

If you look at an older house, you will probably see a gable vent somewhere on the side. A gable vent is usually installed in the shape of a triangle. A gable vent doubles as an exhaust system. Gable vents use cross-ventilation to circulate air in an attic. The idea is that air flows into the attic on one side and then out of the attic on the other side.

Therefore, for a gable vent to work properly, you need to install one on each side of the house. Otherwise, the air will not flow as well. Even though gable vents come in numerous shapes and sizes, triangular shapes are usually the most popular. 

Eave Vents

An eave vent is installed directly underneath the eaves of the roof. If you take a look at the roof, you will see eaves that extend over the rest of the structure. Eave vents are designed to provide ventilation for the attic. There are a number of benefits that come with this type of event. They allow fresh air into the attic, reduce your energy consumption, and reduce your utility bills. Furthermore, these events are important because they can keep a large portion of the roof dry, which can extend the lifespan of the roof.

Roof Exhaust Vents

If you have ever seen that circular device on top of a roof that looks like a crown but spins, then you are looking at a roof exhaust vent. This is a ventilation system that provides continuous airflow through the attic. It can remove overheated air, draw moisture from the attic, and keep the temperature stable. Therefore, it can reduce your utility bills and reduce the growth of mold and mildew. Roof exhaust vents come in many shapes and forms, so you need to think carefully about how big of a vent you need, where you want to put it, and the overall shape of the attic. That way, the air will flow smoothly.

What Is a Roof Vent Cap?

A roof vent cap is installed directly on top of a roof vent. If you have a vent that points directly to the sky, you should consider installing a roof vent cap. A cap does not completely close off the vent, so you can still vent hot air from the attic. On the other hand, it will prevent insects, moisture, and rain from dripping into the attic, which can prevent mold and mildew from growing. 

Use the Right Vent in the Right Spot on the Roof

These are a few of the most common examples of vents you may install on a roof. It is important for you to understand how each of these vents works so you can put them in the right spot. Using the right vent is critical for the success of each roofing project.

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